1. POSTPONED – BINGO NIGHT! With Fish & Chips!

    Due to concerns regarding the mounting coronavirus outbreak, our Bingo Night is postponed, to be rearranged.

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  2. Music Quiz Night Fundraiser!

    MONDAY 24th February 2020 8PM at the Royal Oak Inn, Dovercourt. HARWICH BRANCH LABOUR ‘MUSIC Quiz Night’ fundraising event! ALL WELCOME! Teams of up to 8 at £2 per head….

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  3. TDC opposition parties work together to improve TDC’s Budget

    All 3 opposition amendments were accepted by TDC’s administration last night and a 4th was incorporated into the leader’s Budget speech to prevent the amendment being necessary. As a result,…

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  4. Labour fury at local Tory cash grab now the elections are over

    Only a few months after telling the electorate that they were supporting a reduction in the number of councillors on TDC to save money the Tories running TDC, backed by…

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  5. Harwich Branch Labour welcomes candidate Stephen

    Harwich Branch Labour Party welcomed Harwich & North Essex Labour parliamentary candidate Stephen Rice at the Harwich Branch stall at Dovercourt High Street market.

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  6. ‘Calls to replace stolen boundary marker in Main Road, Dovercourt’

    A FRESH appeal to trace a missing milestone has been launched more than two years after it was stolen. The milestone boundary marker, in Main Road, Dovercourt, was kept in…

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