1. Local Labour gives residents the chance to voice their opposition to TDC’s decision to pull out of Harwich Sports Centre

    Harwich Branch Labour Party is launching a petition to allow local residents to voice their support for the Harwich Sports Centre and to call on Tendring District Council (TDC) to…

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  2. PRESS RELEASE: Ivan Henderson Leader of the Labour Group calls on Neil Stock, Conservative Leader of Tendring District Council to condemn Prime Minister’s actions

    Ivan has written to Neil Stock requesting he publicly condemn the Prime Minister and his team for the drinks event held in the Downing Street garden in May 2020, as…

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  3. Harwich hospital’s Minor Injuries Unit is NOT ‘by appointment only’

    Anyone can walk into Harwich Hospital’s Minor Injuries Unit if they need help. They do not need an appointment. That is the news obtained by the Labour Group on Harwich…

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  4. Dog Fouling “More enforcement is now needed.” Harwich Labour’s Jo Henderson.

    Tendring District Council meeting 13th July 2021 QUESTION: From Councillor Jo Henderson to Councillor Michael Talbot, Portfolio Holder for Environment & Public Space: “It is almost four years since I…

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  5. A Message to Members from Ivan

    Dear Members, Harwich Branch labour Party has a proud record of giving everything when it comes to an election. We know how frustrated many of you have been at not…

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  6. Labour leads on supporting local businesses

    The Labour group on Tendring District Council is pushing for local businesses to be given priority whenever possible when it comes to TDC’s procurement policy. In a debate on the…

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