1. Conservatives’ disingenuous attempt to claim credit for the Waterfront

    THE local Labour team were prepared to ignore the Conservatives’ disingenuous attempt to claim credit for the Waterfront as nothing more than a desperate need to fill a political leaflet….

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  2. Grants from Labour led Harwich Town Council

    In the last year Labour led Harwich Town Council has given grants to support: The Rock School Club Harwich, TeenTalk Harwich, The Mayflower Project, Hadmet (reframe Millennium embroideries), The Harwich…

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  3. Harwich Labour backs street light protest

    Labour candidates for Harwich Town Council, Tendring District Council and the Harwich and North Essex Constituency were outside the Palace of Westminster yesterday lunch time to support the protest against…

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  4. Tendring: Labour seeks Tory assurances on street lights, no place for any doubts on lights.

    The Labour group of Tendring District Councillors is writing to each member of TDC’s Conservative group who is also a Conservative county councillor ahead of Tuesday’s meeting of TDC at…

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  5. Harwich: West Ward wants its street lights back on!

    A further 500 signatures collected by residents in West Ward have been handed to Labour’s West Ward team as part of the ongoing campaign to have the district’s street lights…

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  6. Tendring: Labour seeks to ensure that money is in budget for lights switch on

    The Labour Group on Tendring District Council (TDC) will be tabling an amendment to the council’s Budget for 2015/16 at next Tuesday’s meeting of TDC to ensure that funds are…

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