The refusal of an application to build 80 houses on an area south of the A120 in Dovercourt Tollgate ward has been welcomed by two of the ward councillors.
Pam Morrison who represents the ward on TDC and Harwich Town Council and Steve Richardson who represents the ward on Harwich Town Council had both made written submissions against the proposed development and both attended the meeting of TDC’s Planning Committee to explain their concerns to its members.
Cllr. Pam Morrison says, “The original application was for the access to be from a roundabout on the A120 but this latest proposal would have seen all of the traffic using Stour Close and Clayton Road before exiting on to Ramsey Road. This would have been dreadful for the present residents and I am very pleased that the members of TDC’s Planning Committee agreed with us.”
The Planning Committee deliberated on the proposal for almost two hours before voting 7 – 1 to refuse the application with 1 abstention. The refusal may be subject to appeal.
Cllr. Steve Richardson says, “We made the point that the existing roads were designed for the existing level of traffic and that residents should be protected from the negative impact of another eighty houses. Fortunately, the committee agreed with us.”
For further information please contact Cllr. Pam Morrison on 07745 096783