Dear Cllr. Talbot,
I am writing to voice concern about the words attributed to you in the Harwich and Manningtree Standard published 12th June and the Gazette published 15th June.
Speaking on the subject of Essex County Council continuing to refuse to open all of its Waste and Recycling sites and quoted as the portfolio holder for Environment at Tendring Council, you are quoted as saying:
“Throughout Covid 19 we have maintained a full, kerbside collection service and the vast majority of households are having no problems. We appreciate it has been difficult when recycling centres were closed and with restrictions now in place but we wholly support Essex County Council in its decision which protects both the public and staff.”
May I ask when Tendring District Council took the decision to ‘wholly support’ Essex County Council on this matter and, if I am correct in believing that no such decision has been taken, what authority you have to speak on behalf of the council?
May I also ask what evidence you have to support your statement that ‘the vast majority of households are having no problems’?
There are many councillors from across the political spectrum who are ‘wholly unimpressed’ by Essex County Council’s decision to leave their communities unsupported in terms of waste and recycling and I would suggest that just because you represent a ward that is served by a site that is open does not give you good reason to speak on behalf of the numerous communities whose sites remain closed and whose residents are experiencing great inconvenience.
The Labour Group on TDC is extremely grateful for the efforts of officers and contractors who are doing everything possible to provide a service under very challenging conditions. We believe, however, that the actions of ECC in keeping sites closed is making their task unnecessarily difficult and, as the TDC portfolio holder, we believe that you should be supporting your officers and contractors by joining us in trying to persuade ECC to see reason and to reopen all of its sites.
Yours sincerely
Cllr. Maria Fowler
Shadow to the Portfolio Holder for the Environment.