From: Cllr. Maria Fowler
Sent: 07 August 2019 09:06
To: Cllr. Michael Talbot, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Public Spaces
Subject: Refuse Collection Service
Dear Cllr. Talbot,
As shadow to the portfolio holder for the Environment and Public Spaces I was both amazed and furious at your failure to offer a statement to the members of Tendring District Council on the new refuse collection services at last night’s meeting of TDC.
There is genuine concern amongst members on both sides of the chamber that you have forced in Tendring’s first ever ‘amount restricted’ refuse collection service and reduced collections to two weekly without ever allowing a debate or vote on the issue. You have now compounded your failings by not making a statement on the implementation in spite of the fact that it is causing outrage amongst residents across the entire Tendring District. Your response to a closed question at last night’s meeting allowed only one supplementary question from one councillor and did not in any way remove your requirement to allow the entire council to question you following a portfolio holder’s statement.
Your actions have resulted in a wholly inadequate refuse collection service for the residents of Tendring and it is unacceptable that you have not made yourself publicly accountable to the councillors who represent these residents.
I am now formally requesting that you make a statement on this subject at the next ordinary meeting of the council on Tuesday 10th September and would ask that you confirm to me in writing of your willingness to do so.
Yours sincerely,
Cllr. Maria Fowler.
Shadow to the portfolio holder for the Environment and Public Spaces.
Ward Member for Dovercourt All Saints Ward – Tel 07761 343771
Tendring District Council – email