Arsonists set fire to the wooden ship, which was worth about £10,000, in October. After months of waiting, a replacement piece of equipment has been put in its place at the site in Stour Road, Harwich. Harwich councillor for the area. Geoff Smith, said: “Tendring Council has put a slide in there for the youngsters. “I’m really pleased, especially for the community’s point of view.
“It’s a lovely little park but it needs some work. “Myself and councillor Ivan Henderson met with Ian Taylor from Tendring Council on Friday and had a discussion about the equipment there.
“They are looking to put more equipment in there, hopefully going to have a roundabout in there and update the seesaw as well as a picnic bench and some maintenance to some of the rest of the equipment. “Bits and pieces need a paint up. “He also said they are going to improve the access to the park itself – you have to go through a gate and its stones and grass and not easy if you have a pushchair.”