Harwich and District Branch Labour Party has responded to the concerns of local residents by launching a petition calling for immediate action to improve the appalling condition of the A120
The petition, which will be collected in both written and electronic form, states:
‘The undersigned call on the Department for Transport to end the delays to the resurfacing of the A120 between Harwich and Horsley Cross as the road surface is in such poor repair that it is resulting in serious damage to vehicles and is placing at risk the safety of those using it.’
It has attracted over 1200 signatures in less than 48 hours on line and there have also been comments made such as one from a concerned paramedic calling the A120 a ‘farm track’.
Harwich Branch Labour Party will be operating a stall at Dovercourt’s Friday market on the 1st Friday of each month commencing on Friday 6th April and paper copies of the petition will be available to sign.
Chairman of Harwich Branch Labour Party, Cllr Charlie Powell, says, “At our last branch meeting we decided that residents needed the opportunity to voice their concern and we are not surprised at how quickly people have taken the opportunity to sign on line. This petition will add strength to the actions of our local Labour councillors who have been lobbying at all levels for the delays in resurfacing to end.”
Anyone wishing to sign the petition online please see link below.
For further information please contact Press Officer Garry Calver on 01255 551940