It was our greatly missed Labour colleague, the late Les Double, who introduced the CAROS scheme which ensured that all community groups, organisations, clubs and societies operating out of TDC owned buildings had their rent frozen at a low rate to reflect their importance to community life. Labour recognises and supports the fantastic effort put in by unpaid volunteers to ensure that local sports clubs, scouts and brownies, luncheon clubs and self help groups flourish and Les’ brilliant initiative made a big difference in allowing them to do so.

Labour was, therefore, particularly angry when the Tories running TDC decided to scrap CAROS and place such organisations and clubs on market rents. This nasty and short sighted policy threatened the very existence of some groups and proved that the TDC Tories had no concept of the words ‘amenity’ and community’.
Labour promised to fight this cause all the way and have held it up for a considerable amount of time but, at this week’s meeting of TDC’s Community Leadership and Partnerships Committee, the Conservative majority forced through a recommendation to cabinet that the scheme is not fit for purpose and should end in 2015.
Labour’s West Ward TDC councillor, John Hawkins, led the opposition and tried to win a motion stating that the scheme should remain in place but the Tories simply voted this down before voting to scrap CAROS. This is a bitter pill to swallow and is even more upsetting as a Harwich councillor, Clare Callender, was one of the Tories who betrayed local clubs by voting to end the rent cap.
For further information please contact: Harwich Labour Press Officer Garry Calver