Shadow Minister for Local Government to visit Harwich
The Labour Shadow Minister for Local Government and Communities, Helen Jones, will be in Harwich on Thursday 25th April at the invitation of the leader of the Labour Group on Tendring District Council, Ivan Henderson.
Helen Jones MP will be visiting Teen Talk Harwich to meet local community groups and organisations including Home Start and Sure Start to gain personal knowledge of their roles within the local community and the difficulties presently faced.
She will then move on to visit the newly established Energy Skills Centre set up by the Colchester Institute to provide the skills for local employment opportunities within the Energy sector.
She will end her visit by meeting local Labour Party councillors and activists to discuss the concerns over the intention by the Conservative administration running TDC to introduce a residency criterion into their new Council Tax Support Scheme, a decision that Helen Jones has already described in a House of Commons debate as ‘a re introduction of the Poor Laws’.
Ivan Henderson says, “During my 8 years as the local MP I brought over 50 government ministers to the constituency because I believe it is important for ministers to see local issues for themselves. This no longer happens but I am pleased to say that the Labour front bench team is still prepared to take Harwich seriously.”
Further information contact:
Ivan Henderson on 07889 367822